Having a severely decayed or damaged tooth can lead to adverse dental complications, and dental crowns can be a viable option for you. The dental prosthetics are cemented on your tooth to strengthen and protect it from further damage. They encase your affected tooth and preserve it from more damage or decay. Having a dental crown in Brighton, ON, enhances your dental aesthetics since it replicates to resemble your natural tooth. Our dentist designs it to reshape and resize your affected tooth. Dental crowns are ideal since they are altered to provide you with a pearly white smile. It’s vital to have crowns if you have large cavities as a viable alternative to dental fillings.
Dental crowns are restorative dental prosthetics custom-made and placed on your tooth to protect it from decay or deterioration. A tooth crown encases your visible tooth portion above the gum line to restore its original shape, size, strength, and outlook. Your dentist customizes the appliance by using ceramic, porcelain, and metallic or resin material. Crowns serve several purposes and can be used after the insertion of your dental implants. Unlike other dental appliances, tooth caps are cemented on your tooth permanently and are durable. The prosthetics seal your weak tooth and minimize the potential risk of permanent tooth loss or the need for extensive dental procedures. Porcelain teeth restore your dental strength and natural tooth functionalities.
Our dentist in Brighton utilizes various types of tooth caps to address your personalized dental needs, and the dental crowns may be categorized into:
Your dentist determines the ideal type of dental crown for you based on the condition of your affected tooth.
A tooth crown is applicable in various conditions, and you can have dental crowns to encase a severely decayed or broken tooth while restoring your dental aesthetics. At Brighton Family Dentistry, we recommend you to have dental crowns under the following scenarios:
Dental crown placement is a simple procedure, and your dentist takes impressions of your dental in selecting the suitable dental crown for you. Ceramic and porcelain crowns are custom-made to resemble the shade of your teeth. First, your affected tooth is prepared by removing old fillings, and the extent of your tooth decay is identified. Next, a portion of your decayed tooth is removed under local anesthesia. Before the permanent crown is cemented on your teeth, your dentist fabricates a temporary crown to protect your tooth. Your specialist removes the temporary crowns during your last appointment and cements the permanent crowns on your tooth. Permanent crowns are custom-made in the lab, with personalized dental impressions to ensure they are comfortable and perfectly fit your tooth.
Dental crowns in Brighton, ON, can last for a decade, and our dentist may recommend you to preserve them by observing the following:
Neglect to take care of your porcelain teeth may lead to destruction and compromise your safeguarded tooth due to bacteria and periodontal disease. It’s crucial to maintain your dental crowns to ensure they last long. Our dentist in Brighton recommends you have dental crowns since they are durable and fit seamlessly into your dental outlook. You can cosmetically transform or restore your dental with dental crowns today.
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