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Invisalign Aligners- A Modern Teeth Alignment Treatment
October 1, 2021

Orthodontic problems are a result of improper alignment and spacing between the teeth. This can happen due to issues with tooth development, genetic factors, or environmental factors.

These problems could cause oral hygiene issues or difficulty in speech and eating.

Common orthodontic issues include crooked teeth, overcrowding, underbites, overbites, and gaps between teeth.

Fixing orthodontic problems is crucial to your oral health. Fortunately, several treatments like Invisalign® in Brighton, ON, are available to align your teeth.

Invisalign treatment has revolutionized how people view teeth alignment because it is a clear, discreet, and comfortable way to fix misaligned teeth.

Invisalign is a removable device, meaning that patients can speak, drink water, eat, and even brush their teeth without any issues; they just need to remove the braces.

Many people are hesitant to wear braces because they might feel embarrassed about them in public because they do not want them to be visible.

Invisalign can provide the same functional treatment as traditional braces without visibility.

What are Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign aligners are a range of removable and comfortable dental braces used to treat mild to moderate cases of crooked teeth.
They are invisible and gentle on the gums and do not cause any restrictions to your lifestyle.

What are the Steps of Getting Invisalign Aligners?

Getting Invisalign aligners is a process that you need to be committed to. The treatment includes a few steps that help you get your teeth straightened in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

1. A dentist will perform an exam on your teeth with an oral scanner. This scan takes about 10 minutes and provides a detailed 3D image of your mouth and teeth.

2. After this scan is completed, they’ll create the 3D model of your teeth and show it to you in virtual reality so you can see the results before physical treatment begins.

3. The dentist will then take the 3D impression of your teeth to the lab to create the precise aligners.

You will receive a series of aligners that are worn for 22 hours daily. It is vital to adhere to the instructions given by the dentist to ensure the teeth straightening process is done properly.

4. Visit the dentist regularly. While the Invisalign treatment is done at home, you will need regular visits to the dentist for an assessment of the treatment and adjustments if needed.

What are the Benefits of Invisalign in Comparison to Traditional Braces?

Invisalign is a clear way to get straighter teeth. With no metal or brackets, the aligners are not noticeable, and the process takes less time to complete.

The invisible braces are comfortable, safe, and effective for adults and teenagers alike, and they can correct teeth in just a few short months.

Additionally, there are no restrictions on teeth brushing or eating: Invisalign can be removed before brushing your teeth or eating so that you do not risk breakage during these tasks.

However, these clear aligners can correct mild to moderate versions of underbites and overbites. If you have severe orthodontic problems, the dentist will recommend the traditional aligners.

The Drawbacks of Invisalign; What you need to know before getting Invisalign

A lot of people think that Invisalign is the only way to fix their teeth. Invisalign is effective, and it does provide a solution for those who are not happy with how they look. But some people need to be aware of the drawbacks of Invisalign before getting it.

Invisalign is expensive, costing anywhere between $2,000 and $3,000 for an entire treatment plan. This can be too much for some people who may need to save up to get Invisalign done. Furthermore, you need to follow the dentist’s instructions to ensure the treatment progresses as expected.

Why Dentists Recommend using Invisalign

There are many reasons you may want to consider Invisalign for your dental care. Dentists recommend it because it’s a convenient and effective way to straighten teeth. It also helps patients avoid the discomfort, embarrassment, and expense of traditional braces.

Visit Brighton Family Dentistry for more information about Invisalign treatment.

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