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Are Dental Veneers Suitable For Me?
November 1, 2021

Apart from the chewing of food, pronunciation of words, and shape of the face, which the teeth are responsible for, they also have other purposes. The teeth have aesthetic value, and they help to enhance the beauty of the face. A perfect set of teeth help you to produce an alluring smile. Without the teeth in the mouth, your smile would be gummy. Your confidence and self-esteem can also be influenced by the presence and state of your teeth. The teeth at their first appearance are of the perfect size, length, shape, and color, in the absence of dental diseases that affect their development.

While growing up, the teeth might deviate and lose their natural structure or color due to dental defects and diseases owing to constant use of the teeth, aging, poor oral health habits, injuries, and accidents. For example, the teeth can become stained by the foods and drinks you take because they possess pores (tiny holes) that absorb the colors of things put in the mouth. A poor oral hygiene routine would allow the buildup of these colors and lead to discoloration. Injuries and accidents can also cause the teeth to chip, break, or even become crooked.

To restore the aesthetic value of the teeth, these defects need to be fixed, and the teeth need to be converted to their natural state or the way they ought to be. However, multiple procedures are required to fix the defects mentioned above. You might require orthodontics, teeth whitening, and other cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve these defects. These procedures can turn out to be expensive, stressful, and time-consuming. Fortunately, dental veneers in Brighton, ON, can help fix many dental defects in a simple, single procedure.

Dental veneers are wafer-thin, tooth-colored caps or shells used to cover the surface of the teeth to improve their appearance. These caps are specially designed to bond with the teeth to hide or correct their defects. Dental veneers are a type of cosmetic dentistry technique that helps to give you instant smile teeth. They save time, money, and energy that would have been spent on different dental procedures trying to fix numerous defects.

Types Of Dental Veneers

There are three major dental veneers, namely porcelain veneers, resin composite veneers, and ceramic veneers. Your choice of surfaces depends on the advice of a Brighton family dentistry dentist in Brighton, ON, the severity and number of defects you are trying to fix, durability, and the cost of the veneers.

Porcelain Veneers

These types of veneers are a popular choice in cosmetic dentistry. They are made with porcelain materials and are thinner than other veneers. They also look and feel like natural teeth. They are very durable and last longer compared to different types of veneers. Porcelain veneers can last for as long as fifteen years, and they are sometimes regarded as permanent veneers because they might never need to be replaced. To fix these veneers, your tooth has to be reshaped, and your enamel filed, making the process irreversible. However, you can opt for lumineers teeth, which are not as durable, if you do not like the idea of enamel reshaping.

Resin Composite Veneers

The resin composite veneer is one of the most affordable types of surfaces available in cosmetic dentistry. They are made with composite resin materials. It is cost-effective and can be fitted in a single visit to the dentist. It requires fewer teeth preparation and lesser visits to the dentist, unlike other veneers.

Ceramic Veneers

They are made with ceramic materials and have a natural look. They are also durable but can take a longer time to prepare, and this requires numerous visits to the dentist’s office. Their durability notwithstanding, they can cause your teeth to be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures for a few days after fixing.

Fixing dental veneers requires about three visits to the dentist’s office. The first visit is for consultation, while the second and third visits prepare and fit the veneers. The procedure involves the reshaping of your teeth for better bonding. The shells are then bonded to the teeth with the use of special dental cement.

Caring For Veneer Teeth

Proper care for your dental veneers can make them last longer. You can care for your veneers by:

  • Practicing good oral hygiene (regular brushing and flossing).
  • Avoid teeth grinding (bruxism).
  • Beware of stains.
  • Cultivate good dental habits.
  • Report cracks or chips in your veneers to your dentist.

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