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How to Stop Receding Gums from Getting Worse?
March 1, 2022

Receding gums are the most common sign of gum disease, and it can lead to tooth loss if it is not treated. It is important to take care of your teeth and gums to maintain a healthy mouth.

If you notice receding gums, it is important to visit your dentist as soon as possible. They will tell you if there is an underlying condition that needs treatment.

What is the Gum Recession?

A dental recession occurs when the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth continuously wears down, exposing more of the tooth or its root. It’s a gradual process and is always difficult to spot.
When gum recession occurs, it causes gaps or pockets to form in the gums. This can make it easy for disease-causing bacteria to build up and cause an infection. If the infection isn’t discovered and treated in time, serious complications can occur. Tooth damage and tooth loss are common results.

What Causes Gum Recession?

Several factors can lead to the gums to recede, and they include:

  • Gum disease

Gum disease is a chronic condition that causes the gums to recede. It starts with mild inflammation of the gums and progresses to periodontal disease. The inflammation causes redness, swelling, gum bleeding, and pain. If left untreated, this can cause severe damage to your teeth and gums because of recurrent infections and abscesses that form in pockets where bacteria proliferate.

These symptoms can make it difficult to eat or drink without discomfort.

In severe cases, gum disease may also cause tooth loss or bone loss around the jawbone over time.

  • Genes

The gum thickness is determined by the genes inherited from your parents. Some people are born with thinner gum lines and are more susceptible to gum recession.

Toothbrush abrasion and injury can cause the gums to recede. That is why it is advisable to care for your gums and use a soft-bristled toothbrush when cleaning the teeth.

  • Hormone changes

Your gums can become more sensitive & suffer recessions, especially during times in your life when you are undergoing hormonal changes. This can happen, for instance, in puberty, pregnancy, or menopause.

  • Tobacco products

When you inhale tobacco, the agents in it can make your gums tender and prone to inflammation. Tobacco can also increase the chances of plaque buildup. As the plaque piles up in excess, your gums start to recede and weaken. Eventually, they’ll get so bad that they wear away altogether, and you’ll be left exposed roots.

  • Teeth grinding

Tooth grinding is a common habit that can cause gum recession. It is caused by teeth clenching and teeth grinding that lead to pain, irritation in the jaw joint, and gums receding.

How to Treat Gums to recede?

There are several ways for gum recession correction in Brighton, ON, that you can use like;

  • scaling and root planing

Root planing is a dental procedure used to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. It involves using a scaler to scrape the surface of the tooth and then using an ultrasonic tip to remove any remaining plaque. The dentist or periodontist peels back the gum tissue and removes harmful bacteria. They then seal it onto a tooth to eliminate pockets of infection.

  • Soft tissue graft

Soft tissue grafting is a surgical procedure used to repair, restore or replace damaged or missing soft tissue. It is used in dentistry in correcting gum recession and reconstructing the bone.

How to Stop Receding Gums from Getting Worse?

To prevent receding gums from getting worse, you should brush your teeth daily with a soft toothbrush and use mouthwash at least twice a day. You should also make sure that you don’t eat too many acidic foods like oranges or grapefruits. Also, avoid smoking and use custom-mouth guards if you suffer from teeth grinding. It is also important to see your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Brighton Family Dentistry for more information about smile correction and the most suitable treatments.

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