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5 Things You Need to Know Before a Tooth Extraction Procedure
June 2, 2022

No one is ever ecstatic about undergoing a tooth extraction in Brighton, ON. It doesn’t matter whether you are going for wisdom tooth extraction or any other type of extraction; the idea is never met by enthusiasm. But there is one thing you can do to ensure that wisdom teeth removal is done as it is supposed to: being prepared.

Fear always stems from a lack of sufficient information. So, you can decide to get the proper information about tooth extractions to ensure that there are no curve balls hurled at you during or after the procedure.

That’s why our dentist has decided to help you with the critical information about tooth extractions. So, let’s get to it!

  1. It’s Not Dangerous

You live in the 21st century, so tooth extractions are nothing to be afraid of. Dental technology has undergone major changes, and now dentistry is comfortable, pain-free, safe, and efficient. It is understandable to think that the procedure is dangerous since there is some form of trauma that your gums and bone will undergo. But this is mitigated using anesthesia and sedatives.

That’s why a professional does a tooth extraction in Brighton, ON. Also, our dentist performs the procedure with sophisticated tools to ensure that the process is relatively fast.

Tooth extractions do not aggravate dental complications, but our dentist performs them to remove infected or severely damaged teeth. Therefore, it helps improve your oral health.

  1. Preparation Is Necessary

Unlike some of the other dental procedures such as cleaning, undergoing a tooth extraction requires some level of preparation. Some of the things that you need to do beforehand are:

  • Compile Your Medical History

Sharing your medical history is a very important thing to do while preparing for an extraction. You should not omit anything because this information will help our dentist treat you with your medical history in mind.

  • Organize Transport and Care

Anesthesia or sedation is necessary for extractions, so you will by no means be in a condition to drive yourself home. Your reflexes will be impaired even though you received local anesthesia. Plan and ask a family member or friend to take you home after the extraction.

  • You Will Need to Fast Before the Extraction

You should not eat 12 hours prior to your extraction. Anesthesia may make you nauseous, so it is best not to eat until after the procedure. If you have diabetes, please inform our dentist.

  • Discuss Painkillers and Anesthesia

You need to know the substances that our dentist will use during the extraction. If you have a clue of what works for you, the better. Also, let our dentist know about your preference when it comes to the painkiller you prefer or what works for you.

  1. Maintain Oral Hygiene

Excellent oral hygiene is essential before you undergo a tooth extraction. You can gently brush your teeth the night before the extraction and on the day to ensure that the area is bacteria-free to reduce the chances of infection.

  1. Don’t Smoke

You already know that cigarette smoking isn’t good for your health. You may need to avoid smoking cigarettes the day before the extraction and at least a week after the extraction. Cigarettes have nicotine, tar, and close to 5,000 chemicals that are bad for your oral health.

Smoking will make you more susceptible to infection since it hinders the body’s healing ability. So, you need to avoid it.

  1. Post-Extraction Care

You will feel some discomfort and pain after the extraction. Ice packs will be your friends at this time since they help reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Our dentist will also prescribe painkillers and antibiotics if necessary to deal with the pain and ensure that you don’t get an infection.

It takes almost a week or so to recover if you undergo a simple extraction. Your healing might be a bit longer if you undergo surgical extraction. In any case, you will need to follow the post-extraction care tips that our dentist will give you.

You will need to clean your teeth, avoid eating hot foods and drinks, take your medication, take it easy, take care of the clot, etc. If you do this, you might avoid getting a dry socket.

Contact our dentist at Brighton Family Dentistry if you need to know more.

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