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Why You Need to Make Dental Exams for Your Kids a Priority?
August 1, 2023

Dental exams are crucial to maintaining a healthy mouth, whether you feel comfortable with them or not. They are even more vital for young children to confirm their teeth and gums are evolving without problems. Six monthly dental exams help prevent cavities affecting 42 percent of children between two and 11. As a parent, you are responsible for proactively maintaining your child’s dental health, learning why you must prioritize dental exams for kids.

When to Start Dental Visits for Kids?

Pediatric dentists recommend taking kids for dental checkups within six months of their first tooth erupting or by their first birthday. Worrying about your child’s dental care might seem too early as you think they will lose their primary teeth anyway. However, an experienced pediatric dentist knows exactly what to look for and manages your kid to ensure their dental health starts well.

What Is Included in Children’s Dental Visits?

Children’s visits for dental exams and cleanings in Brighton, ON, will appear different depending on your child’s age. You can expect shorter dentists for babies and toddlers than for children over six. The pediatric dentist will assess changes in your child’s mouth as they age. However, you can expect the following services from the pediatric dentist during your child’s dental visit.

  • Dental Exam: during your child’s dental appointment, the pediatric dentist examines their teeth, gums, and jaw for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues. The pediatric dentist may also recommend X-rays when your child is old enough to view the tooth root. They will use digital X-rays to ensure your child does not become a victim of radiation exposure.
  • Cleaning: during the appointment, your child will undergo a dental cleaning to eliminate dental plaque and tartar constantly building up on the teeth. Tartar is difficult to remove by brushing and flossing, making professional cleaning at six monthly intervals essential using dental tools and instruments.
  • Fluoride: after teeth cleaning, the pediatric dentist provides your child fluoride therapy to strengthen tooth enamel to prevent decay and combat cavities. In-office fluoride treatments from dentists boost children’s teeth against tooth decay. The treatment is painless, affordable, and completed by the dentist in a few minutes. However, children are better off not being provided with foods and beverages for 30 minutes after receiving fluoride therapy.
  • Dental Sealants: dental sealants help fill pits and fissures in your child’s molars when they develop at six and 11. The sealants make cleaning the molars efficient by creating a smoother surface to prevent food particles and bacteria from remaining trapped to develop cavities. The dental sealant application is painless and affordable, supported by discount plans and dental insurance. Dental sealants ensure they prevent holes from developing on children’s teeth to require fillings and more intensive treatments for restoration.

Besides the above, the pediatric dentist advises improving your child’s dental health with appropriate homecare to help them develop healthy teeth and gums without attracting infections early to benefit their overall health.

How to Navigate Children’s Dental Appointments?

Navigating children’s dental appointments is easy for you and your kid. Experienced pediatric dentists will ensure comfort for you and your child and strive to provide all information required about your child’s dental health. They will also educate you on concerns about your child’s dental health to prepare you for interventional treatments later if needed. For example, dentists can identify issues like malocclusion early to suggest preventive treatments or prepare you to plan for orthodontic treatment for the kid later.

Pediatric dentists prioritize your child’s healthy smile to ensure it lasts a lifetime. You receive instructions on caring for your child’s dental hygiene practices and diet to limit your child from having sugary and carbohydrate-rich foods, significant contributors to tooth decay and other issues. They recommend you supervise your child when brushing and flossing until six or seven when they can continue the everyday tasks without guidance.

When you prioritize dental exams for your kids by taking them to the pediatric dentist at six monthly intervals, you ensure your child’s mouth is cared for appropriately and learn how to manage your child’s dental health and diet to prevent unnecessary complications that affect children more frequently than adults. Children’s teeth are fragile and susceptible to damage if uncared for during childhood. However, if you pay attention to your child’s oral health and schedule regular meetings with the pediatric dentist for exams, they can ensure you stay on top of your kid’s oral health.

Brighton Family Dentistry recommends caring for your child’s dental health from when their first tooth erupts. The suggestion ensures your child develops healthy teeth and gums without complications. However, caring for children’s teeth requires six monthly visits to the dentist for exams. If you have not followed the dentist’s recommendations, kindly consult this practice to better your child’s oral health.