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What You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening
June 1, 2021

Teeth discoloration has become very common affecting most adults, mostly because of our habits and the foods we take. That’s probably the reason why the search for teeth whitening treatments has surged over the years. This has prompted the introduction of different teeth whitening products, some are great and others leave less desirable results. Before you can get teeth whitening near you, it is important to know what the procedure involves, which products to use and how long the results will last.

Which Teeth Whitening Option is Recommended?

We have several teeth bleaching options that you can choose from and they are grouped into three; cosmetic or commercial whitening products, professional teeth whitening, and the Do-it-Yourself home remedies. All these options can remove stains from your teeth, but only a few are effective.

  • Cosmetic or commercial at-home teeth whitening products

These products are available at your local drug store and are affordable. They come in different forms like toothpaste, gels, foams, and mouth rinses. While these products contain a bleaching agent, some of them have lower levels that are less effective. Furthermore, some can affect the gums causing bruising.

  • Professional teeth whitening treatment

Professional teeth bleaching is the most recommended option because it is done at the dental office. Also, our dentist will take the necessary steps to protect the gums from bruising.

The teeth stain remover procedure can last for about 45 minutes depending on the severity of the stains on the teeth. The dentist will apply the dental bleaching agent on the teeth and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing, and reapply the gel or foam two or three times.

You can speak to our dentist about getting the take-home customized kits that can help maintain the results at home. These kits are available in trays that you apply to the teeth for five minutes every day.

  • D.I.Y whitening products

The use of the D.I.Y whitening products like baking soda, activated charcoal, and banana peels has been on the rise. While some people have reported on their effectiveness, there is currently no research that can support the claims.

Baking soda can remove mild stains from the teeth, but its abrasive nature can damage the enamel if used for a long time.

Lemons, on the other hand, increase the acidity in the mouth and this will damage the teeth. The acidity wears down the enamel making it weak and more prone to cavities.

When is Teeth Whitening Not Recommended?

Teeth whitening in Brighton, MI, is effective and safe, but it is not recommended for everyone. For the dentist to bleach your teeth, you need to have healthy teeth and gums. If you have decay and gum infection, the dentist will first remove the decay and treat the gum disease before performing teeth whitening.

Also, if you have dental restoration like dental bridges and crowns, you are not eligible for teeth whitening. When these restorations change color, the dentist will opt to change them to match the rest of your teeth.

What If You Have Teeth Sensitivity?

Teeth sensitivity is a common complaint after teeth whitening, so if you already have sensitivity, teeth whitening may be an issue. Mild sensitivity can be caused by worn-down bridges and crowns, and the dentist will first repair the restoration. Next, he will use teeth whitening for sensitive teeth products that have a lower bleaching agent. Lastly, the dentist will also recommend tooth-sensitive toothpaste to help ease the discomfort.

How Long Will the Results Last?

Professional teeth whitening is not permanent, but how long the results last will depend on your habits and oral hygiene. It is important to avoid taking staining foods and smoking, which is known to affect your oral and overall health. Also, make it a habit of getting a regular dental cleaning, where the dentist will clean your teeth and remove any stains from the teeth. Professional teeth cleaning does not bleach your teeth, but it can leave them looking bright.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Brighton Family Dentistry for more information about teeth whitening, how it is done, and prevent discoloration.

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