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Helpful Tips for Maintenance and Caring of Dental Crowns 
April 1, 2023

What Are Dental Crowns?

They are tooth-shaped oral appliances that restore smiles by replacing damaged tooth enamels. Dentists typically use Dental crowns in Brighton, ON, as substitutes for enamels that are too weak, infected, or damaged. Ideally, instead of extracting the tooth, the dental crown can reinstate the tooth’s health.

Types of Dental Crowns

At Brighton Family Dentistry, we have a variety of materials that you choose from to determine the type of crown you want. They include:

  • Gold crowns – feature gold as the primary material. They provide a luxurious feel due to the gold element. Besides, they are a sturdy solution for restoring molars and premolars. However, the cold of the material makes gold dental crowns quite costly. Further, not everyone is too pleased to have gold in their mouth, as it stands out from the rest of your natural teeth.
  • Porcelain crowns – they are the popular aesthetically pleasing dental crowns. They feature porcelain, a tooth-colored material that easily matches natural teeth. It makes them ideal for restoring both the front and back teeth. Besides, porcelain is a decently sturdy material that can withstand frequent chewing while resisting most stains.
  • Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns – employ both metal and porcelain to create a sturdy solution for restoring teeth. Ideally, the crown features a metal overlined with porcelain to improve appearance. These dental crowns combine the strengths of porcelain and metal. However, these dental crowns can sometimes wear down teeth where the crown meets the tooth near the gum line.

​Which Dental Crowns Are the Best?

Choosing dental crowns can be overwhelming if you have to do it alone. However, if you rely on your dentist, you will figure out the most befitting dental cap for your teeth. Some factors that influence your decision are:

  • Location of restoration – when restoring the back teeth, dentists prioritize sturdiness instead of aesthetics as if for the front teeth.
  • Sturdiness and durability – ultimately, you need a dental solution that will last long without compromising functionality. The last thing you need is retreatment after only a year of getting dental crowns.
  • Cost of treatment – find a dental crown that fits within your budget, especially if you don’t have dental insurance to cover part of your treatment.
  • Preferences – sometimes, your preference far outweighs any other factor for choosing tooth crowns.

​How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Technically, dental crowns will last as long as you care well for them. Some materials are sturdier than others, which may explain why they last longer. Generally, a dental crown can last between 19 and 20 years. The better you care for them, the longer they are likely to last.

Tips for Dental Crown Maintenance

If you want your dental crowns to last for many years without the need to replace them, consider the following tips:

  • Do not skip your dental appointments – visiting your dentist every three to six months is not something you do simply because you have dental crowns. Instead, it is a recommended dental care measure that allows your dentist to examine and clean your mouth to optimize oral hygiene and health.
  • Eat right – before you leave the dental office, your dentist will recommend avoiding certain foods because of the dental crowns. For example, hard and crunchy foods are bad for your teeth as they can cause cracks or breakage. Besides, you should avoid sticky foods that dislodge your dental crowns or stick underneath.
  • Keep your mouth clean – a clean mouth is less susceptible to oral infections. Do not skip dental flossing every day, and brush your teeth at least twice daily. Ask your Brighton dentist to recommend the best cleaning products for dental crowns.
  • Wear a night guard when you sleep – grinding teeth at night will put unnecessary pressure on your natural teeth and dental crowns. To avoid dental fractures, get your dentist to customize a night guard to protect your teeth.
  • Quit smoking and other tobacco usage – although dental crowns can resist stains well, they are not 100% tamper-proof. Smoking will stain your teeth while gradually deteriorating your oral health.

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