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How Can Composite Fillings Help Restore Your Smile?
May 1, 2023

Do you require a dental filling? Do you possess a tooth that is delicate to pressure and hot or cold pressure? If so, you may have a cavity. Fortunately, dental fillings can help! Everyone values a lovely smile.

Although fillings are strong, they are not unbreakable. When a tooth gets weak by injury or decay, composite fillings in Brighton, ON help restore healthy function and stop additional harm. The majority of dental fillings will eventually require replacement. Let us discover how composite dental fillings restore your smile.

Understanding Composite Fillings

To restore a tooth damaged by decay, cracks, or fractures, sometimes the dentist uses a composite or tooth-colored filling. After removing the decayed or damaged area of the tooth, you need a composite filling.

Composite fillings not only help your tooth regain its proper function but also improve the appearance of your smile. You wouldn’t even know the tooth had ever been damaged with a composite filling.

When Do You Need a Dental Filling?

If your tooth is decayed or has a cavity, you need a filling. The dentists useInlays and Onlays for moderate decay while they use dental crowns for severe decay or damage. Therefore, fillings are the best treatment for minor tooth decay.

If your tooth’s strength and functionality get compromised, you could need a filling or another form of dental restorative therapy. You will frequently experience pain and won’t be able to eat with the affected tooth if you have a cavity or tooth decay.

Reasons How Composite Fillings Restore Your Smile

When the professional puts composite fillings, it is common to feel sensitivity to heat and cold. However, this sensitivity will soon go away as your tooth becomes used to the new tooth fillings.

Here are a few explanations for how composite fillings can restore our smile:

Natural Looking Appearance

If you require a dental filling to safeguard your teeth or stop additional infections, consider composite fillings near you today. Because they match the color of the teeth, these fillings give a natural appearance. In addition to their look, composite fillings can help restore your mouth and teeth.


Throughout the past few decades, composite fillings have developed rapidly. Due to grinding and chewing, they weren’t once thought to be strong enough to repair cavities in the rear teeth. But because of dental advancements, the material is now strong enough to be implanted anywhere in the mouth without concern about cracking.

Preserves the Natural Tooth Structure

Direct bonding of composite material onto the tooth’s surface stops additional fractures, increases support, and fortifies the tooth. Unlike amalgam fillings, only the professional will remove the decaying portion of the tooth with composite resin. It enables us to keep more healthy and natural tooth enamel.

Expansion and Contraction

When exposed to hot and cold temperatures, amalgam fillings may expand and contract, which can cause fractures. However, composite is not impacted by temperature and is not prone to expanding or contracting.


Apart from dental fillings, we employ composite fillings for a variety of treatments. It can also repair chips and cracks and make cosmetic changes to the teeth, such as changing their color or even reshaping them with composite veneers or edge bonding.


Composite fillings are robust and long-lasting. They have a very high success rate and a substantial lifespan. Few filling materials offer greater strength and durability.

Composite fillings are much softer than porcelain and gold fillings. Due to their sturdy construction, they are more effective at restoring the tooth to its proper function. Porcelain fillings are more trauma-resistant and often last longer than composite fillings.

Help to Repair Tooth Damage

Accidents and injuries can result in cracked, chipped, or shattered teeth. Any dental restoration can heal broken teeth. A dental restoration can significantly increase the likelihood that a patient’s smile will be better when there are no damaged teeth.

Restore Your Smile and Teeth by Calling Our Dental Team Today

If you have questions or want to find out more about composite fillings, contact the dental expert at Brighton Family Dentistry today. We can set you up for a lifetime of good dental health and help you protect your teeth.

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