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Replacing Missing Teeth with Affordable Dental Implants near You
July 1, 2023

Missing natural teeth is a global phenomenon affecting many adults who consider getting affordable replacements as soon as possible. When patients prefer to find affordable dental implants because they are considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth.

Dental implants are undoubtedly optimal missing teeth replacement solutions. However, they are exorbitantly priced and require an investment of thousands when trying to replace single or multiple missing teeth.

Many people consider not replacing the missing teeth because they don’t realize the consequences of tooth loss and how it affects them. Alternatively, they may consider options like dentures or bridges, which function as artificial teeth without providing the benefits of dental implants. Therefore it makes sense for people to search for affordable dental implants offered by many providers because it helps people overcome the challenges posed by the consequences of tooth loss.

Tooth Loss Consequences — What Are They?

When people lose one or several teeth, the loss impacts their smile and mouth functionality. For example, people become embarrassed to smile because of the visible gaps between their teeth. In addition, their mouth functionality becomes affected because they cannot bite and chew the desired foods.

Tooth loss, besides affecting the smile and mouth functionality, also affects people’s aesthetic appearance because their jawbone starts deteriorating to cause facial sagging making them appear older. Furthermore, their remaining teeth start drifting toward the vacant void in your mouth to cause misalignments. In addition, compromised mouth functionality makes them swallow large chunks of food and become victims of indigestion, needing help from different medical professionals. However, if they decide to get teeth implants as replacements for their missing teeth, it helps them overcome all challenges providing an affordable replacement solution for missing teeth.

How to Find Affordable Dental Implants?

After people understand the importance of replacing missing teeth, they must choose a restoration that best suits their needs and helps them overcome the consequences of tooth loss at an affordable cost. People must stop considering the cost of dental implants and start calculating how much they might have to spend if they don’t seek suitable replacements for their lost teeth. They will undoubtedly have to pay for dental implants, which helps to avoid additional expenditure, which they must endure if they don’t consider getting them for financial reasons.

People can consider getting dental implants in Brighton, ON, where the implantologists discuss the patient’s financial constraints before examining their teeth and mouth to determine which dental implants best suit their needs. The Brighton specialists offer patients the implants at affordable prices after considering their situation to help them make the most of their investment.

Which Implants Are Optimal for Replacing Missing Teeth?

Different versions of dental implants are available on the market for replacing missing teeth. People with a single missing tooth can consider endosteal implants embedded in the jawbone to function as the lost natural tooth root and receive a dental crown over the implant after recovering from the surgical process.

Unfortunately, people missing an entire arch of teeth will find endosteal implants notoriously expensive but can consider getting full-mouth dental implants to replace their missing teeth with merely four or six dental implants strategically placed in their jawbone to support a full arch of missing teeth on a fixed denture.

The price of dental implants varies according to people’s needs. For example, if replacing a missing tooth appears expensive with endosteal implants replacing all teeth using the full-mouth dental implant technique proves affordable because it helps people overcome the challenges they confront with tooth loss.

What Happens If People Cannot Afford Any Dental Implants?

Many people cannot afford single or entire-mouth dental implants but desire replacement options to avoid the consequences of tooth loss. In such situations, they can consider alternatives like dental bridges or dentures as tooth replacement solutions. Although the other options are not effective as dental implants, they are better considered because of the long-term value of these restorations.

Dentures and bridges will not prevent jawbone deterioration but adequately help restore mouth functionality and smile. They also inhibit the remaining teeth from drifting to create a misalignment in the mouth and prevent the need for expensive orthodontic treatment later. However, people can consider getting dental implants later if they desire a more permanent tooth replacement solution to benefit from the advantages of dental implants.

Missing teeth need replacements with solutions that prevent tooth loss’s consequences. If dentures and bridges solve part of the problem, Brighton Family Dentistry provides a solution with affordable dental implants to help overcome all challenges of tooth loss. Therefore people with missing teeth must schedule an appointment with them to discuss optimal solutions for replacing missing teeth and receive them as suggested by the dental practice.

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