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Composite Dental Fillings

Most patients associate composite dental fillings in Brighton, ON as treatment for dental cavities. Cavities are tiny holes that develop in teeth as a result of tooth decay that penetrates the tooth’s surface. If you are a new or existing patient and have a dental cavity, our dentists near you can apply fillings to restore your oral health at Brighton Family Dentistry.

Fillings to Treat Cavities

If our dental care team detects a cavity in one or more of your teeth, it will be treated with a dental filling during a separately scheduled office visit. In general, the decayed part of the tooth is professionally removed to bring the tooth back to health. However, this leaves the remaining healthy portion of the tooth vulnerable. A dental filling is applied to protect the vulnerable area of the tooth and this restores the tooth to health and normal function. If a cavity is not treated with a filling, the decay is likely to spread to other parts of the tooth and even neighboring teeth.

Preventing Cavities

The best path to achieving and maintaining oral health and cavity-free teeth is to prevent tooth decay. Of course, thorough brushing and flossing at least twice a day is essential for your oral health. However, even the most meticulous oral hygiene routine is not completely effective in preventing plaque from developing on our teeth. This plaque is made up of bacteria in the mouth that breaks down into acids that erode and penetrate the outer layer of teeth, known as the enamel.

Once the enamel has suffered from decay, a cavity develops, and treatment is required. In addition to at-home oral hygiene habits, patients can help prevent cavities by maintaining their routine scheduled dental exams and cleanings with our dentists in Brighton, ON. This allows our dental care team to assess your oral health and professionally clean your teeth, so they are free of plaque until your next visit.

Treating cavities with composite dental fillings is essential to keep the problem from growing worse. Contact Brighton Family Dentistry for more information about fillings near you. We look forward to restoring your oral health.