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Dental Bonding

Are you searching for a “dentist near me” to learn more about composite bonding or cosmetic dental bonding? If so, we invite you to look no further than our team of comprehensive dentists in Brighton, Ontario, to receive the care you deserve in your smile makeover. For patients who may be unhappy with aspects of their smile or oral appearance, cosmetic dentistry, including cosmetic bonding teeth, offers the improvement they’re looking for. We invite you to make an appointment with our dentists near you at Brighton Family Dentistry to get started.

Benefits of Dental Bonding Near You

Do you have one or more of the following concerns about your smile:

  • Gaps between teeth.
  • Teeth that seem misshapen or out of alignment.
  • Discoloured teeth that don’t respond to professional teeth whitening.
  • Teeth that are prone to cavities even with the most diligent at-home care.

If you answered “yes,” then you’ll be pleased to learn that dental bonding can be used in each of these situations. For example, teeth bonding for gaps can be completed in one appointment versus alternate treatment such as braces or aligners, which require months of treatment time. Likewise, bonding front teeth can also be accomplished in one appointment for an instant smile pick-me-up.

As a team of comprehensive dentists in Brighton, ON, we also provide other cosmetic dentistry to correct the smile imperfections mentioned above. While dental bonding is the quickest way to make corrections, our team at Brighton Family Dentistry also provides Invisalign® aligner therapy, dental veneers, teeth whitening, and more.

When you visit us for your cosmetic dental procedure, our doctors will provide you with information about each treatment protocol that can be used to deliver the results you dream of. That way, you can make the choice that will work best for your timeline.

Customized Treatment Plans

We know that no two patients are alike. That’s why we will never group you into a category. Instead, we will design customized treatment plans for each patient after listening to their desires. For some, dental veneers may be a better option than dental bonding due to the difference in durability. For others, dental bonding may be a perfect choice. The takeaway is that the choice is yours!