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Tooth Extractions

Preserving any original teeth in a patient’s mouth is important for overall oral health in the long term. However, some patients occasionally require professional removal of one or more teeth, otherwise known as an extraction. In these cases, our dentists near you will set up an appointment for tooth extraction as a means of restoring your dental health or preventing any serious dental risk if the tooth remains intact. At Brighton Family Dentistry, we provide extractions in Brighton, ON for new and existing patients.

Reasons for Dental Extractions

Preserving a patient’s existing teeth is a priority. However, there are reasons for dental extractions. A patient may require professional tooth removal if there are any stubborn primary (baby) teeth that impede the emergence or development of permanent teeth. Other common reasons for dental extractions are removal of wisdom teeth (especially if they are impacted), overcrowding of teeth in the mouth, and in preparation for orthodontic treatment. In addition, if a patient has a tooth that has suffered severe decay and is beyond restoration, the tooth will likely be removed.

How Extractions Work

Most tooth extractions are simple procedures performed by our dentists in Brighton, ON during a scheduled office visit. Typically, a local anesthetic is provided for the patient in the area where the affected tooth is to be removed. Once the anesthetic takes effect, the tooth will be loosened with professional tools and then removed from the socket. If a patient has teeth that are broken or impacted, meaning they are not visible through the gum tissue, then the extraction procedure may require more complex techniques.

The most important thing for patients to understand is that healing must take place in the socket of an extracted tooth to avoid complications after the procedure. Therefore, instructions for post-extraction should be followed closely. This may include rest, avoiding certain foods, not using a drinking straw, and preventing anything from disturbing the socket’s healing. Thankfully, the healing process after an extraction is usually quick and straightforward.

Your overall oral health is important, and sometimes this includes tooth extractions. For more information about extractions near you, contact our staff at Brighton Family Dentistry.