What Things Have To Follow After Having Dental Bridges

What Things Have To Follow After Having Dental Bridges

January 1, 2022

Dental bridge treatment is a restorative dentistry procedure to cover gaps left by missing teeth. Tooth-like prosthetics are permanently placed where your tooth or teeth used to be. Bridges look and function similarly to your natural teeth. Dental bridges in Brighton, ON, are placed on improving the quality of your life.

Adjacent teeth or a dental implant may support a dental bridge. However, proper care is required for its long-term success, regardless of the type of dental bridge. Read on for what follows after the procedure.

What Can I Expect Immediately After Dental Bridge Placement?

The type of dental bridge placed on your mouth determines what to expect after the procedure. A traditional dental bridge procedure varies from an implant-supported tooth bridge procedure. How bridges feel in the mouth and their recovery periods also differ.

  1. Traditional bridges

After the procedure for fixing traditional dental bridges in Brighton, ON, you should expect an adjustment period. During this time, your mouth slowly adjusts to your new dental prosthetics. As a result, your gums may remain sore and swollen for some days after the procedure. The dentist will recommend some medicine to ease the discomfort. Rinsing with warm saline water also helps.

You may experience tooth sensitivity due to the enamel being removed to accommodate your dental crowns. Avoid eating or drinking items with extreme temperatures during this time. In addition, some patients experience sensitivity to the pressure from biting and chewing. Your dentist will recommend remedies or adjust the bridges for a comfortable fit.

Avoid eating sticky, hard, or chewy foods. They interfere with the adhesive holding the bridge in place. As you chew with your new teeth, you may feel that your bite is off. Also, some patients have speech impediments due to unfamiliar bridges. These changes are temporary and disappear after about two weeks once you get accustomed to the bridge in your mouth.

  1. Implant-supported bridges

There is a long recovery period after a procedure involving these bridges. Once the bridge has been placed in your jaw, it may take three to six months for the area to heal. The fixed bridge is placed after healing takes place. Since the bridge is supported by a titanium post and not a tooth, problems such as sensitivity are avoided. Patients adjust to these bridges fast as they feel natural.

Caring for the Dental Bridge

Simple tips that help you care for your new prosthetics are:

  1. Maintain optimum oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice every day and floss under the bridge daily.
  2. Use fluoride toothpaste and an antibacterial mouth rinse to keep away oral bacteria.
  3. Avoid hard, chewy, sticky foods such as nuts, popcorn, or caramel.
  4. Avoid sugary foods items since they may cause infections.
  5. Do not smoke or take alcohol during the recovery period because they delay healing.
  6. Attend regular dental visits to ensure that your bridge remains in good condition.

Potential Complications of a Dental Bridge

Although any dental procedure involves risks, the risks of this procedure are uncommon. However, some complications may arise after a dental bridge procedure. Here are some of them and the ways to reduce them.

  1. You may have chipping, loss, or loosening of the bridge. Follow the dietary and lifestyle restrictions provided by your dentist.
  2. Others have allergic reactions to some materials used in the crown or false tooth. Ensure that your dental care teams are aware of any metal allergies you may have.
  3. Inflammation or infection in the teeth that support the bridge or the gums may occur. Take the medications as prescribed to avoid these complications. Immediately notify your dentist if you have a fever, severe pain, or difficulty chewing.
  4. Tooth sensitivity when eating or drinking cold items. Avoid the things that trigger sensitivity. Make sure that the temporary crowns remain in place until permanent crowns replace them.

Taking good care of your dental bridges ensures that they last for a longer time. Contact us at Brighton Family Dentistry for personalized tips on taking care of your dental bridges. If you have lost teeth, you do not have to live with tooth loss. Find out from our dental experts whether bridges are the right solution for you. Then, start the process of restoring your smile with us.